N.B. cabinet minister blasts Air Canada for cancellation, calls airline ‘incompetent’
Global News
Dominic Cardy posted a series of tweets saying the cancellation means New Brunswick will not have representation at this year's meeting of the Council of Ministers of Education.
New Brunswick’s education minister is lashing out at Air Canada, saying the airline is incompetent because it decided on the weekend to cancel a Monday flight that would have taken him and four officials to a meeting in Regina.
Dominic Cardy posted a series of tweets Saturday, saying the cancellation — announced earlier that day — means New Brunswick will not have representation at this year’s meeting of the Council of Ministers of Education.
Cardy followed up by calling for deregulation of Canada’s airline industry.
His comments sparked an online debate, with some people asking the minister why his delegation had to attend in-person rather than taking part in a Zoom call, which would save taxpayers money.
In response, Cardy said he doesn’t run the council, and he doubled down by suggesting that “incompetent and coddled airlines” that take money for services they know they can’t deliver could be committing fraud.
Air Canada could not be immediately reached for comment.
One online commenter suggested Cardy should try booking a flight on another airline.
“Checking for other tickets on other airlines had crossed my mind, but thanks for the pro tip,” the minister tweeted.