"My Girl, Kamala Harris, Is Ready": Michelle Obama's Powerful Warning For Donald Trump
Michelle Obama's speeches helped propel her husband, Barack Obama, to two consecutive terms, and who was widely spoken of as a potential presidential candidate herself.
Former United States First Lady Michelle Obama, 60, turned back the clock Tuesday at the Democratic convention in Chicago, delivering a passionate speech in support of "my girl" Kamala Harris for November's presidential election and warning Donald Trump "hope is making a comeback".
Ms Obama's speeches helped propel her husband, Barack Obama, to two consecutive terms, and who was widely spoken of as a potential presidential candidate herself, particularly early this year as the Democrats struggled to rally behind a single nominee to replace Joe Biden. And in Chicago last night she brought all of that considerable charisma to bear, and the measure of her popularity was underlined by receiving a welcome bigger than that which greeted Mr Obama in his hometown.
Among the highlights of Ms Obama's speech was her leaning into Kamala Harris' background, highlighting her multi-racial origin as "the embodiment of stories we speak about (in) this country. "Her story is your story. It is my story," she said, in response to jibes by Donald Trump.