'My family is not safe': B.C. woman documents travels through home country of Ukraine
Alla Pavlikhin and her husband just returned to Langford, B.C., after spending a month volunteering in their home city of Kyiv, Ukraine.
"His name was Sergey Veretennikov," she told CTV News on Friday.
He was killed on Sunday fighting just outside of Kyiv, Ukraine, when a Russian rocket hit his platoon.
"He died as a hero defending his home, his country," said the grieving friend.
Months before, Pavlikhin and her daughter, Lia, embarked on a fundraising effort, raising more than $33,000 by selling pierogis and art, all of which went towards a government organization that helps Ukranians called Come Back Alive.
"My family is not safe," said Pavlikhin. "We are losing people in my family."
The majority of her family lives in Kyiv.
"I can’t just sit and watch," she said.