Musqueam elder forced to leave reserve for housing
Musqueam elder Dunstan Campbell is packing his bags and moving off the reserve.
Musqueam elder Dunstan Campbell is packing his bags and moving off the reserve.
The 77-year-old shared his story with CTV News last week about his poor living conditions and the lack of action the band has taken to help him.
Campbell says the band council has been silent, and he has been relying on a community social worker and friends to solve his housing crisis.
"This is not a dream. This is not a nightmare. This is reality," said Campbell from inside his deteriorating living room.
Since the story broke on Friday, Campbell says the Squamish First Nation has offered to step in and provide a temporary room for three months or help him find a hotel room.
Although it's not home, Campbell says he's grateful for the community support. He's hopeful that the time away will allow the Musqueam staff and council to find a solution so he can return to the reserve.
"This is the first time I've reached out for help in my entire life. I've never asked anyone for anything," said Campbell.