Mumbai Police Set Up Team For Inquiry Into "Extortion Bid" In Aryan Khan Case
Police are conducting inquiry into four complaints, filed by independent witness in the NCB case Prabhakar Sail, lawyers Sudha Dwivedi and Kanishka Jain, and Nitin Deshmukh, a police official said.
Mumbai Police has deputed police officers for enquiry into complaints of alleged extortion against NCB officers including zonal director Sameer Wankhede in the drugs bust case involving Aryan Khan, a senior police official said on Wednesday.
Police are conducting inquiry into four complaints, filed by independent witness in the NCB case Prabhakar Sail, lawyers Sudha Dwivedi and Kanishka Jain, and Nitin Deshmukh, he said.
All the complaints have been clubbed together. On Tuesday and Wednesday, police recorded Mr Sail's statement.
Dilip Sawant, Additional Commissioner of Police (South Region) will supervise the enquiry and DCP Hemrajsingh Bagul will assist him as supervisory officer.