MSMEs in Erode stage human chain protesting peak-hour electricity charges
The Hindu
Tamil Nadu Industrial Electricity Consumers' Federation forms human chain in Erode to urge State govt. to reduce peak hour charges for LT CT consumers.
Urging the State government to reduce peak hour charges for Low Tension Current Transformer (LT CT) electricity consumers, members of the Tamil Nadu Industrial Electricity Consumers’ Federation formed a human chain in Erode on Wednesday.
Led by V.K. Rajamanickam, president of the Federation of All Trade and Industry Associations of Erode District (FATIA), the human chain stretched from the Collectorate to Nasiyanur Road at Sampath Nagar and placards urging the government to fulfil their demands were displayed.
Mr. Rajamanickam said the State was bringing in peak-hour consumption charges at a time when it was faced with a power deficit. “But we are energy surplus and continuing with the same practice is adding more burden to Micro, Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (MSMEs),” he added. He also urged the authorities to stop collecting networking charges from industries for installing rooftop solar energy panels since several industries were already beset with other challenges.