Mourners Line Up For Miles To Pay Respects To Queen Elizabeth II
Thousands have already paid their respects, filing past the casket draped with the royal standard and topped with a diamond-encrusted crown.
Thousands of mourners lined up through the night to file past the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II in Parliament's Westminster Hall on Thursday, as King Charles III spent a day in private to reflect on his first week on the throne.
The queue to see the queen lying in state grew through the day to stretch for 4.4 miles, past Tower Bridge. The line snaked along the south bank of the River Thames and then over a bridge to Parliament. Thousands in the line didn't mind the hours of waiting.
"I'm glad there was a queue because that gave us time to see what was ahead of us, prepared us and absorbed the whole atmosphere," said health care professional Nimisha Maroo. "I wouldn't have liked it if I'd had to just rush through."