Mother of Emma Fillipoff talks about her daughter’s disappearance a decade ago
Global News
A documentary will be released that explores Emma Fillipoff's disappearance.
Shelley Fillipoff continues the search for her daughter, Emma Fillipoff.
It has been a 10-year journey; Emma Fillipoff went missing on November 28, 2012.
“So my daughter, Emma, who was 26 at the time, had moved to Victoria B.C.,” said Fillipoff.
Fillipoff says she had been getting upsetting phone calls from Emma in the days leading up to her disappearance.
“She had called me, very distressed, and had asked me to come out West and give her a hand, she wanted to move back home,” said Fillipoff.
The morning of her disappearance, a friend called police because he was concerned.
“She seemed distressed, disoriented, she just didn’t seem herself, like the woman that he knew,” said Fillipoff.
Police checked on Emma but let her go because she didn’t appear to be a danger to herself or anyone else.