Mother of abducted Miami boy found in Moncton joyful, thanks tipster and police
A Florida mother says she'll be eternally grateful to the person who called police Sunday, resulting in her abducted six-year-old son being found in Moncton.
The boy from Miami was allegedly abducted by his father and grandmother Aug. 27 as the parents went through a custody dispute.
Surveillance footage showed the father and son Aug. 29 at a store in Maine near the Canada-U.S. border. An abandoned SUV was found in the area the same day. Investigators suggested the three illegally crossed into Canada.
It was the last sign of them. For two months, the child's mother didn't know where her son was or whether he'd be OK.
On Sunday, the FBI called to tell her someone at a Moncton Walmart tipped off the RCMP after recognizing the family from media coverage.
"I've been crying out of happiness — I didn't know how that felt," the woman said in an interview Monday. "I've been crying out of sadness for two months."
CBC is not naming the family members to protect the identity of the child since he is no longer missing.
The mother was able to speak to her son, who has autism, by phone Sunday. She said he's been with a social worker and is doing well.
"He has no idea what's going on, he just knows he's playing with Lego and he's going to see me soon," she said.
She said a passport for the boy was being expedited, and he may be brought back to Miami by the social worker as early as Monday night.
She said she doesn't know why the alleged abductors headed for New Brunswick.
"We have no idea. There is no family there. There's nobody we can link over there to him," she said of the boy's father.
The mother said a "thank you" isn't enough for the person who called police.