Most Requests For Account Info In July-Dec 2020 Came From India: Twitter
India ranked second in terms of the volume of legal demands for content removal after Japan, Twitter said in a blog on updates to its transparency report.
India was the single largest source of government requests for account information received by Twitter in the July-December 2020 period - accounting for 25 percent of the global volume, the social media giant said Wednesday. India ranked second in terms of the volume of legal demands for content removal after Japan, Twitter said in a blog on updates to its transparency report. Twitter brings out with a biannual report where it shares details on the number of government and legal requests, removal requests and data around accounts actioned for various violations and breach of rules. In its latest blog, Twitter said it produced some or all of the requested information in response to 30 percent of the global information requests by governments in the July-December 2020 period.More Related News