More schools closed after Manitoba middle school receives another threatening voicemail
Several schools in southeast Manitoba were closed Friday after a round of threatening voicemails came in over the last week.
Several schools in southeast Manitoba were closed Friday after a round of threatening voicemails came in over the last week.
The Hanover School Division said all Steinbach schools and Kleefeld School are closed Friday after Clearspring Middle School (CMS) received the threatening voicemail late Thursday afternoon. According to an update on the division’s website, the caller issued threats to CMS and Steinbach Regional Secondary School.
“We take threats to schools or persons very seriously; therefore, upon receiving the voicemail today, staff immediately contacted the RCMP,” the post on the division’s website said.
“The RCMP are taking this very seriously, and an active investigation continues to be underway. We thank the RCMP for providing support to the Hanover School Division.”
According to the division, all Steinbach schools and Kleefeld School will switch to remote learning on Friday.
This comes after two similar voicemails were left last week at CMS, one of which directed a threat to that school.
“Upon investigation, the RCMP determined the call was associated with a US telephone number,” Hanover School Division superintendent and CEO Shelley Amos said in a letter posted to the school’s website on Jan. 19.