More ambulance-fire integration? B.C. officials poised to make announcement
The shocking death toll and collapse of the ambulance system during British Columbia’s devastating heat dome appears to be spurring the province to make changes to how much medical support firefighters provide before paramedics arrive.
The shocking death toll and collapse of the ambulance system during British Columbia’s devastating heat dome appears to be spurring the province to make changes to how much medical support firefighters provide before paramedics arrive.
CTV News Vancouver has been asking union leaders and government leadership whether a hybrid model or greater cooperation between the two could help with the 911 and ambulance crunch that’s seen increasingly high, sometimes record-breaking call volumes since the spring.
They were careful with their wording, but confirmed discussions are underway, and hinted that there could be some changes to the scope of firefighters’ medical role coming soon in response to the Health Minister opening the door to those discussions in the weeks after the heat dome.
"We're going to see a tighter partnership, there is some work that is going on now between this sort of tri-partnership meeting between the (health) ministry, fire and BCEHS,” said Leanne Heppell, chief ambulance officer for BC Emergency Health Services.
"We certainly are working closely and realizing that we want to make the most efficient use of all services to ensure we provide the timely care and access for our patients."
Former Surrey mayor Dianne Watts pointed out there have been discussions and panels and deliberations over the course of years, all pointing to a greater leveraging of fire halls and firefighters to support the ambulance service – perhaps even a hybrid fire-ambulance service like Winnipeg uses.
“Several models from around the world have been looked at and the outcome and the recommendations are about an integrated service,” Watts said. “That’s not new. It’s the practicality on the ground getting there because you’ve got two unions … It’s a matter of political will because those recommendations from all those task forces, all the work that’s been done, all of the studies, all of the best practices. It’s already there.”