More 2024 brides, grooms under age 30 getting plastic surgery
Data shows more young Americans are seeking plastic surgery, with many saying they want to look their best on their wedding day.
A Northeast Ohio plastic surgeon is seeing an increase in young brides and grooms coming in to transform into the best versions of themselves before their special day. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 64% of members state they have seen a dramatic increase in patients under the age of 30 requesting facial cosmetic surgery or injectable treatments.
Katie Saada, 29, wants to look her best on her special day, as every bride and groom does. But she felt that to achieve her best, undergoing some injectable treatments with plastic surgeon Dr. Diana Ponsky would help.
“I have gotten Botox up here, so these lines won’t deepen, the smile lines, and then we did under-eye filler which helps with dark circles, and lip filler which is my favorite,” said Saada.
Ponsky said more and more young couples about to get married are coming into her office.
“It’s changing,” said Ponsky. “It’s really interesting and it’s evolving and changing and there’s people who, because of social media, know more.”