Montreal schools stay open as winter storm slow commutes, cancels flights
Global News
The majority of schools in Montreal remain open for the day on Thursday from a late-January storm. Montreal could end up getting more than 30 centimetres of snow.
Montrealers woke up to more than 25 centimetres of snow Thursday as a blast of winter weather descended upon the province, making for difficult and delayed commutes in the morning.
Environment Canada’s snowfall warning for the city remains in effect as another five centimetres of snow could be on the way, putting the total past 30 centimetres. Despite the winter storm, the majority of schools in Montreal remained open for the day, though several school boards warned buses could be late.
“Snow will be accompanied by moderate winds, which will produce blowing snow at times,” the public weather agency wrote. “Conditions will gradually improve today.”
Environment Canada placed a large swath of southern Quebec under different warnings, ranging from winter storm to extreme cold.
While Montreal has seen the most snow so far, other parts of the province like Quebec City could see up to 15 centimetres throughout the day and accompanied by powerful winds reaching up to 60 kilometres per hour. Gatineau, meanwhile, will only taper off to flurries in the afternoon.
Transport Minister Geneviève Guilbault advised drivers to be careful on the roads, saying crews will be out and about to clear the snow.
Montreal’s public transit authority also told bus users to give themselves extra time and to plan ahead for their commutes.
Have a flight to catch? It’s best to check your flight status before heading to the airport in Montreal or Quebec City as multiple arrivals and departures have been delayed or cancelled at both destinations.