Montreal’s Westmount Rotary Clubs raise money to help Ukraine
Global News
The Westmount Rotary Club managed to raise more than $12,000 to buy relief supplies for people displaced by the conflict in Ukraine.
It’s from a small office in the basement of Manoir Westmount on Sherbrooke Street, where Susan Buscemi is spending part of her time these days trying to raise money for Ukraine.
“It’s particularly heart-rending to see what’s happening there,” she told Global News.
Buscemi is president of the board of governors of the Rotary Club of Westmount and they, along with Rotary Clubs around Ukraine, are trying to help.
“We were contacted by a Rotary Club in Romania,” she said. “They sent out an urgent plea for funds to help the refugees that were streaming across the border.”
Since then, the Westmount club managed to raise more than $12,000 to buy relief supplies for people displaced by the conflict.
“They need accommodation, they need mattresses, blankets, covers, they need medical care, they need legal advice, translations services,” explained Buscemi.
The club, she added, needs to raise more money. The urgency of the situation becomes even more apparent to her when speaking to Rotarian volunteers in Ukraine.
One of those volunteers is George Zvirid, a former president of the Chernivtsi Rotary Club, who described what it is like for them to deliver aid under fire.