Montreal cyclist in critical condition after being pinned beneath dump truck
Global News
Both the truck and the cyclist were heading south on Saint-Laurent when the truck driver attempted a right-hand turn onto de Liège Street, hitting the cyclist.
A 66-year-old man was rushed to hospital in critical condition after he was struck by a dump truck while cycling on Saint-Laurent Boulevard in Montreal’s Villeray neighbourhood on Tuesday afternoon.
Montreal police spokesperson Jean-Pierre Brabant said after the collision, the cyclist remained pinned under the truck.
The assistance of firefighters was necessary to pull the man out from underneath the truck.
He was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries, Brabant said.
According to preliminary information gathered by police, both the truck and the cyclist were heading south on Saint-Laurent when the truck driver attempted a right-hand turn onto de Liège Street, hitting the cyclist.
The truck driver, a man in his 60s, was treated onsite for shock.
A perimeter has been set up and Saint-Laurent is closed south of Crémazie Boulevard to allow collision experts to review the scene.
Brabant said the closure of the street resulted in a buildup of traffic leading into the rush hour.