Monsoon Likely To Be Normal This Year, Predicts Weather Office
The onset of the annual monsoon over the Indian subcontinent, that was delayed by two days, is expected to hit the Kerala coast on June 3.
India will receive normal rainfall during this year's monsoon season, the India Meteorological Department said today. Rainfall in the country is likely to be in the range of 96-104 per cent of the Long Period Average (LPA) - which means the average rainfall received by the country over a period of fifty years. A normal monsoon is between 96 to 104 per cent. Rainfall is likely to be normal in north (92 to 108 per cent) and south India (93 to 107 per cent), above-normal in central India (over 106 per cent) and below-normal in east and northeast India (less than 95 per cent), the Met department added. The onset of the annual monsoon over the Indian subcontinent, that was delayed by two days, is expected to hit the Kerala coast on June 3, Met Director General M Mohapatra told NDTV.More Related News