Monoclonal antibody treatment orders rapidly increasing in COVID surge states
ABC News
Monoclonal antibody is overwhelmingly going to area areas where ICU capacities are most strained.
The use of monoclonal antibodies as a way to prevent people from getting very sick with COVID-19 is rapidly increasing -- alongside the grim statistics on surging infection rates across the country. Federal health officials have seen a "significant increase" in the ordering of monoclonal antibodies in recent weeks with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services telling ABC News orders have increased by more than 1,200%. HHS said they are currently shipping about 120,000 patient courses of Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment a week. More than three-quarters of those orders are going to the regions in the country with low vaccination rates and states currently getting clobbered hardest by COVID's surge -- and where intensive care unit capacities are most strained.More Related News