Mom who struggled to accept her son's schizophrenia talks about crisis services
ABC News
“I never give up hope,” Mimi Feldman said about her son.
Nick O’Rourke was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 20. It’s been 15 years since then, and his mom, Mimi Feldman, says it’s as if her son is “stuck in time.” “We all look at Facebook and look at your son's friends growing up... You have to let go of all the dreams that you have, and my disappointment is even secondary... Imagine his disappointment,” Feldman said. “You know, he lost the life that he had, too.” Feldman and her husband Craig O’Rourke’s home is tucked into the forested hills of southern Washington. Inside, the lifelong artists proudly display not only their own work, but that of their son, Nick O’Rourke, too. Stream ABC News Live Prime weeknights at 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. ET at abcnewslive.comMore Related News