MoD announces system for better use of simulators by Services
The Hindu
Framework lays emphasis on indigenous design and development as well as outsourcing of operation and maintenance of simulators to Indian companies
To achieve cost-effective, safe and smart training as well as reduce live equipment utilisation, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has promulgated a framework for enhanced and synergised utilisation of simulators by the three Services and the Coast Guard.
“The policy will be applicable to all types of simulators in use and to be procured in the future by the armed forces. Avenues of application of simulation technology will be constantly explored to achieve a high level of op preparedness while reducing expenditure on training and preserving the life of equipment,” a MoD statement said.
The overarching vision was to transform to simulation-based training across all military domains for combatants, leaders, maintainers, administrators, life science experts, procurement and financial agencies and thus achieve cost-effective, efficient, safe, fast-paced and smart training, it stated.