Missouri AG blasts police defunding plans, calls it ‘dangerous and reckless’
Fox News
Missouri's top law enforcement official on Friday blasted efforts by leaders in the state's two largest cities to slash police funding, calling it a “dangerous and reckless” plan that has gone from anti-law enforcement rhetoric to reality.
"This is not a talking point anymore," he said of the defund the police movement. "These are millions of dollars and hundreds of positions being shifted away from the brave men and women of law enforcement who swear to serve and protect and that's what they want to do. These progressive politicians are looking to undermine that." On Thursday, Kansas City leaders announced measures that would significantly reduce police funding to the 20% minimum of the city's general fund revenue, the lowest amount required by state law. Much of the remaining funds – somewhere around $44 million – would be diverted to a Community Services and Prevention Fund. Mayor Quinton Lucas said his plan would not defund the police and would instead fund a new police recruit class, among other benefits. He also said city leaders will have some say in how police funding is spent, as it currently has no influence with the department.More Related News