Mississauga will attempt to block injunction request over harassment investigation
Global News
A motion asked the city solicitor to oppose 'the relief sought' by Starr and to request Starr pays the legal fees associated with the court proceedings.
Councillors in Mississauga have instructed the city’s solicitor to fight against an attempt by Coun. Ron Starr to block the release of an integrity commissioner report into allegations he repeatedly vandalized a former colleague’s car.
On Wednesday, councillors decided how to proceed. The meeting was the first full session of council since Starr moved to suppress the integrity commissioner’s report into allegations of harassment.
A motion asked the city solicitor to oppose “the relief sought by” Starr, to take all steps possible to speed up the hearing, to oppose Starr’s request to seal the court documents and to push for Starr to pay the legal fees associated with the court action.
It was alleged in February that Starr had vandalized fellow councillor Karen Ras’ car at city hall, and that the matter allegedly contributed to her decision to resign her council seat.
Mississauga’s integrity commissioner, Robert Swayze, originally declined to investigate Ras’ allegations. After media reporting and pressure from councillors in February, the integrity commission began to investigate.
The filing seeks a declaration that the integrity commissioner is “biased in his investigation” and the City of Mississauga was “politically motivated” in lodging a complaint against Starr in an election year.
Karen Ras’ lawyer, Kathryn Marshall, told Global News she and her client were “disturbed by attempts to block” the release of the report. She said Ras had waited “long enough” to see the outcome of the investigation.
Councillors first discussed the potential injunction during a closed session at a general committee meeting on June 1.