Minister denies government is busing outreach centre clients to Rollo Bay Inn
P.E.I. Housing Minister Rob Lantz is rejecting concerns the provincial government is busing Community Outreach Centre clients from Charlottetown to the Rollo Bay Inn in eastern P.E.I.
PC MLA Robin Croucher said during question period Tuesday said he's been hearing from people in the district who are accusing the government of busing centre clients to Rollo Bay.
The MLA said he brought it up in the legislature to "clear the air" for constituents in his district.
"They say few things travel faster than a good rumour," Croucher said. "Are clients of the Community Outreach Centre being transported to the Rollo Bay Inn, or any other location in my district, and housed there at the taxpayers expense?"
Lantz said that's not happening.
"The province is not transporting clients from the outreach centre to the Rollo Bay Inn," the minister said. "We do know that's a site that we use from time to time as needs arise, and facilitated through our shelter support line, that we do house people there on a temporary basis from time to time."
Lantz took issue with the question, saying it implied the government providing housing to people could be seen as problematic.
"I have some issues with the question about who we should and shouldn't house in any part of the province," he said. "The insinuation is that people that use the outreach centre somehow should be cast aside or are undesirable in some way, and that's definitely not the case, as I can attest.
"If it happened to be a coincidence that that person may have used the services of the [centre] in Charlottetown at some point, so be it. They wouldn't be calling [the] shelter support line if they weren't a vulnerable person in need."
Croucher asked how the government works with facilities like the Rollo Bay Inn to provide housing for Islanders.
Lantz said the government "has arrangements" with such places, and that people who need support are housed there on a temporary basis.
Families for example, Lantz said, aren't housed in emergency shelters. The province looks for places like the Rollo Bay Inn to shelter them, he said.