Mike Pompeo visits Iowa as Republicans start to position themselves for 2024
Former secretary of state Mike Pompeo took an unofficial but unsubtle step into the 2024 Republican presidential race this week, touting former President Donald Trump's administration's foreign policy record in front of a large breakfast crowd Friday during a two-day swing through Iowa.
Pompeo's trip here was a starting gun of sorts -- the first of several ambitious Republicans' visits to early primary states scheduled for the coming weeks as the pace of prospective 2024 contenders' travel accelerates, and the first to draw C-SPAN's "Road to the White House 2024" coverage. His appearances reflected a would-be candidate trying to find his way forward in what could be a crowded primary for a party still enamored with Trump. They included a Thursday evening stop at a bar with western Iowa Republicans, a Friday morning breakfast in the Des Moines suburbs, and appearances with a young Republicans' group and a fundraiser for a congresswoman, all early attempts at building local connections in the all-important state.More Related News