Mike Pompeo: At UN, Biden demonstrates weakness on the world stage once again
Fox News
President Biden’s remarks Tuesday to the U.N. General Assembly fell flat. Here's why.
Rather than stand up to our enemies and present the world with strong American leadership in light of the myriad challenges we face, President Biden chose instead to focus primarily on climate change.
Biden said during his remarks, "We’re opening a new era of relentless diplomacy, of using the power of our development aid to invest in new ways of lifting people up around the world." And while we should value diplomacy, a strong America is what will enable that diplomacy, and not the promise of American tax dollars.
A strong, America first policy that ended years of dumping billions of U.S. dollars in an attempt to buy peace and cooperation saw successful results around the globe during the Trump administration in dealing with adversaries and establishing better relations with our allies in having them step up as partners sharing in those alliances.