Michael Goodwin: Biden's radicalism – weaponizing race, crushing dissent are new hallmarks of Dems, far left
Fox News
The e-mail was short and nasty. After first calling Sen. Tim Scott "the token Uncle Tom" and the N-word, the writer added: "You knuckle dragging conservatives should be sent to the ovens."
The writer, Mildred50, if that’s her real name, was one of many on the left who were infuriated that Scott, a Black Republican from South Carolina, had the gall to declare that "America is not a racist country" in his rebuttal to President Biden’s address to Congress. This is not the Biden we expected, but, based on his actions, this is the Biden we have. Scott did not duck the unfinished business on race or his experiences of being stopped for no reason by police. He was frank in acknowledging there is more work to do.More Related News