MIA begins work of installing Precision Approach Lighting Category 1 System
The Hindu
Mangaluru International Airport on Friday, got the groundbreaking ceremony done for the installation of Precision Approach Lighting (PAL) category 1 system for the airport runway.
Mangaluru International Airport on Friday, got the groundbreaking ceremony done for the installation of Precision Approach Lighting (PAL) category 1 system for the airport runway.
The airport leadership team performed the ceremony near Sri Kordabbu Daivasthana, Unile, near the airport, following which multiple works pertaining to the PAL will be executed and the system commissioned, stated a release.
MIA took up the project in line with safety recommendations from the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation Safety and Security Regulator. The system is expected to be commissioned in 20 months. The PAL CAT 1 system will offer better visibility of the runway 24 to pilots and guidance on their final landing approach. The system will be installed 900 meters from the threshold of runway 24 as 90% of the aircraft landings at the airport happen at this end.
The lights will be mounted on approximately 18 lattice structures. The precision approach lights, fixed to frangible T-shaped structure, will be mounted on lattice structure, examples of which are very few and rare in the global aviation sector. The project will complement the work of installation of runway centre line lights that will be commissioned on receipt of DGCA approval.
“Mangaluru International Airport with this project is committed to the safety of passengers in general and aircraft operation in particular. This is also in line with our Vision 2025 to make the airport the safest table-top airport in India,“ the airport spokesperson said.
MIA, as part of the safety augmentation process, has already undertaken the work of recarpeting the runway with asphalt overlay on rigid pavement, another new feature in the aviation infrastructure, in record time in 2023.

Under the NBS, newborns are screened for communication disorders before they are discharged from the hospital. For this, AIISH has collaborated with several hospitals to conduct screening which is performed to detect hearing impairment and other developmental disabilities that can affect speech and language development. The screening has been helping in early intervention for those identified with the disorders, as any delay in the identification poses risk and affects successful management of children with hearing loss, according to AIISH.