Mexican migrant shot, killed by Border Patrol while in-custody charged at agents with 'edged weapon': FBI
Fox News
A Mexican migrant shot and killed in custody at the Ysleta Border Patrol Station allegedly broke free from a cell and charged at agents with an "edged weapon," the FBI El Paso said.
"Once at the station, Moran later charged out of a holding cell past an USBP Agent and grabbed an edged weapon off a desk in the processing area," FBI El Paso said in a statement obtained by KFOX14. "Agents provided verbal commands and attempted to gain control by utilizing non-deadly force methods, specifically taser, which was unsuccessful. Agents continued providing verbal commands. However, Moran continued to advance upon them with the edged weapon at which time he was shot by Agents." Danielle Wallace is a reporter for Fox News Digital covering politics, crime, police and more. Story tips can be sent to danielle.wallace@fox.com and on Twitter: @danimwallace.
Border patrol agents provided immediate medical attention until EMS arrived at the scene, according to the FBI, and Moran was transported to Del Sol Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.