Men and women try period pain stimulator in viral video. Internet reacts to their reactions
India Today
A video of men and women trying a period pain stimulator has gone viral on social media. The video shows men reacting for the first time to the period pain.
A video of a group of friends, including men and women, trying a period cramp stimulator has been doing rounds on social media. It is being dubbed ‘educational’ by women. I vote that every man in a position of power do this five days a month. I like how the women are like, “this isn’t even close to my pain.” and they’re all crumbling. Where can I get one of these? In conclusion men are weak And that’s from the outside. That’s not an entire organ shedding itself every month. Women know we’re tougher than men. This isn’t news to us. Should be part of Sex Ed. classes in high school. Yeah pain tolerance has a pretty clear winner: people with periods https://t.co/GYMON9foPY The girls just standing there chilling https://t.co/guk8ox3BBI All men in the world should be made to try this by law https://t.co/RAVHCdOVxQ Can we use this contraption on bosses who deny menstrual leave, 2 days every 26-32 days? A tool that teaches empathy to a tool should be put to use! https://t.co/gFTfUtcFBb Tell us again why optional period leave at workplace shouldn't be a thing https://t.co/r0fi5gyF4P is there any way we can mandate this treatment as part of the high school curriculum I would love to bring one of these to work to make some of my colleagues try it And that's just the cramps! Doesn't look like the simulator does the headaches, nausea, bloating, period poops... I like how the women are like, “this isn’t even close to my pain.” and they’re all crumbling. — Red Rose Inn (@abbeyb1) May 8, 2021 — Erika with a K (@imaginaryerika) May 7, 2021 — Claudia Pearson (@pearsoncrz) May 7, 2021 — Big Red “ Dirt mommy” (@HufflepuffLord) May 7, 2021 — t (@dopaminediscord) May 7, 2021 — Hopeful Cat Lady (@em_bryson1) May 7, 2021 — Athena (@shenchingtou) May 7, 2021 — Lavanya^ (@LavanyaSeth) May 7, 2021 — Megha S (@megzie0925) May 7, 2021 — Neelangana Noopur (@neelangana) May 7, 2021 — G Swain (@Swainwalker) May 7, 2021 — Julie (@_makeitblue) May 7, 2021 — Gal Fieri (@petthekat) May 7, 2021 — Erika with a K (@imaginaryerika) May 7, 2021 The viral video shows the difference in the reaction men have while trying a cramp stimulator as compared to women.More Related News