Media meltdown over George Santos, won't admit Biden is serial liar
Fox News
Meet New York Republican Rep.-elect George Santos. He admitted he lied a bit about his résumé. Naturally, the liberal media is melting down.
Dan Gainor is a freelance opinion editor for Fox News Digital.
However, it worked. Hence, Rep.-elect George Santos. As the phrase goes, "lies, damn lies, and statistics." Santos opted for all three. Now, he admits he lied a bit, which in D.C., is a novel level of honesty.
Naturally, the liberal press is melting down. How dare the GOP do such a thing? The only thing keeping this from becoming a national media crisis is that it’s still a holiday week. Journalists have done their darnedest to treat this as a unique scandal – the kind that only happens when people with Republicans after their names get caught … doing anything.