"Meat grinder" theory investigated in case of missing millionaire Don Lewis
[This story originally aired on September 9, 2021. It was updated on January 1, 2022.] DONNA PETTIS [ Don Lewis' daughter [to reporters]: We had lost all hope of ever knowing what happened to dad. JOE EXOTIC [Joe Exotic TV YouTube page]: Word has it that Carole snuck up on him in the middle of the night, beat him in the head … ground him up and fed him to the tigers. CAROLE BASKIN [June 1, 2002 video]: I didn't kill Don. CAROLE BASKIN "[Hollywood Raw"]: I really feel like this is going to be just another horrible year of people having the wrong idea of who I am and what I'm trying to do. JOE EXOTIC [Joe Exotic TV YouTube page]: She has spent over a million-and-a-half dollars just trying to shut me down. CAROLE BASKIN [WTSP news report]: He wouldn't walk away and leave his cats. He wouldn't walk away and leave his business. I find it hard to believe he'd walk away and leave me. CAROLE BASKIN [in tears on "Hard Copy"]: Maybe he doesn't know who he is. Maybe he doesn't know where to call home. CAROLE BASKIN [WTSP news report]: The only place I still haven't looked that I feel somewhat hopeful of being able to find him alive is gonna be Mexico, and I don't know how hard or how long that'll take. CAROLE BASKIN [Fox interview]: I'm very worried. … It's just a feeling … that he is OK, that he will just walk back in the gate. CAROLE BASKIN [WTSP news report]: Our mission is to put ourselves out of business because there shouldn't have to be a place rescuing lions and tigers from people that get them as pets. JOE EXOTIC [Joe Exotic TV YouTube page]: She has spent over a million-and-a-half dollars just trying to shut me down. JOE EXOTIC [Joe Exotic TV YouTube page]: I'm already so goddamn poor, I use a file cabinet for my dresser drawers. … [Fires gun.] JOE EXOTIC [Joe Exotic TV YouTube page]: Can you believe they spent enough time to build another entire website about me? JOE EXOTIC [Joe Exotic TV YouTube page]: Word has it that Carole snuck up on Don in the middle of the night and beat him in the head … JOE EXOTIC [Joe Exotic TV YouTube page]: You think I'm obsessed? With you?! Get a life … CAROLE BASKIN [Video diary, October 1, 1997]: She clawed his face up pretty badly. He said he had to almost knock her out to get the gun away from her because she was so intent on killing him. ATTORNEY ERIC LOVE: I think we're going to get the pardon, I do. I'm 100% sure. CAROLE BASKIN [Video diary]: The judge denied his application saying Don wasn't in any immediate danger. CAROLE BASKIN [Video diary, October 1, 1997]: Could she have been so angry over not getting the million dollars more that she thought she would get, that she would kill Don in a last-ditch effort to recover the money she felt he owed her for all of her suffering?
There are possible new leads in the strange case of missing millionaire Don Lewis — a man who seemed to vanish without a trace. REPORTER: You think maybe a prison? JOE EXOTIC [Joe Exotic TV YouTube page]: Carole Baskin better never, ever … see me face to face…
Richard Schlesinger: You believe he was killed, correct? CAROLE BASKIN: Yeah. I can't think of anything else that would keep him away this long … I find it hard to believe he'd walk away and leave me.
Los Angeles firefighters have made progress containing wildfires that have claimed at least 10 lives and caused unprecedented damage. In the weeks ahead, officials and residents will examine whether local authorities' warnings and early responses adequately prepared the city for the escalating crisis.