‘Materialistic happiness is only short-lived’
The Hindu
Former Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary emphasizes that materialistic pursuits do not bring lasting happiness, only self-happiness does.
Materialistic pursuits do not bring happiness, said former Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary V. Irai Anbu here on Wednesday.
Speaking at the executive committee meeting of Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he said, “Even when the pursuit towards materialistic achievements bring bliss, happiness once lost cannot be regained.”
In the life-long pursuit towards fame, money and success, people tend to lose their sanity, he said. “During the run, we think we can enjoy and experience life at a later period, but many are unaware that the ‘afterwards’ never comes,” he added.
“If one looks back on his life, good experiences and moments will exist, the rest will either fade away or get blurred,” Mr. Irai Anbu said.
“In this short span of life, building castles and cheating others and piling money in banks, can never bring happiness. Even if it brings happiness, it will be short-lived and eventually gets into the recesses of memory,” he added.
“Pleasure and joy come from others through celebrations and other groupactivities, but only bliss is attained through self-happiness that comes from oneself,” he said.
Chamber president N. Jegadeesan said the new year meetings have been conducted for the past 32 years.