Mask matters
The Hindu
They were one closely associated with robbers, kidnappers and criminal elements
There are always two ways to look at a situation: glass half empty or half full. The same goes with the pandemic as well. Wearing masks constantly reminds us of the virus but then there is always a different take. Masks are typically worn for disguise, performance or protection. It is the last reason for which masks are being worn by us nowadays. In the general psyche, masks are closely associated with robbers, kidnappers and criminal elements. A person wearing a mask has always been a suspicious character. But now life has come full circle for the humble masks. Masks have redeemed themselves from this notoriety. All those laws prohibiting the covering of face in public places are relics of the past. For the first time in the history of mankind, wearing masks in public places has been made compulsory by the government. It will not be an overstatement that masks are the flavour of the season. Pouted selfies are no more fashionable but selfies with mask on are. The uber fashion houses have already started churning out different styles and shapes of masks. Masks do qualify as apparel now. People are purchasing masks matching their dresses and persona. The need for makeup has reduced drastically. Even lipstick has lost its relevance. Many are spending hours watching videos on YouTube on how to wear and remove masks properly. Then there are debtors who used to hide at the sight of creditors. Now the former are roaming around without fear. Masks are proving to be a great leveller too. All faces are just the same now.More Related News