Martin Luther King Jr Day must be for all of us
Fox News
Today there seem to be two Dr. Kings, hewing roughly to political ideology, with both sides pointing to quotes that back up their interpretation of the civil rights leader's words.
David Marcus is a columnist living in New York City and the author of "Charade: The COVID Lies That Crushed A Nation."
In this schism of interpretation both sides can point to quotes that back them up. King's 1963 "I Have A Dream" speech, among our nation’s most famous, is replete with the message of nonviolence, equal treatment and children of all races playing hand in hand. Yet, by 1967 he would famously call the violent riots sweeping the country "the language of the unheard."
But when we look closely we can see that there is no contradiction in King, rather, it is we in America today who are at odds with each other over King, not King at odds with himself. That is a shame because part of what makes his voice and his soaring words so very powerful is that they are for all of us.