Marilyn Monroe’s gown not damaged by Kim Kardashian, claims Ripley’s
Global News
Ripley's Believe it or Not is doubling-down, saying once again that no damage was caused when Kim Kardashian wore the dress.
Ripley’s Believe it or Not is denying that Marilyn Monroe’s “Happy Birthday” dress was damaged after Kim Kardashian wore it on the Met Gala red carpet last month.
Earlier this week a Monroe collector posted before-and-after images of the dress, claiming that the dress was left with stretched and buckling fabric, along with missing crystals or ones “left hanging by a thread,” after Kardashian wore it to the ritzy fundraiser.
“So much for keeping ‘the integrity of the dress and the preservation.’ @ripleysbelieveitornot, was it worth it?” Scott Forner wrote.
But Ripley’s attempted to set the record straight on Thursday, issuing a statement that they say “debunks” Forner’s assessment.
“A report written on the dress’s condition in early 2017 states, ‘a number of the seams are pulled and worn. This is not surprising given how delicate the material is. There is puckering at the back by the hooks and eyes,’ among other instances of damage,” the museum wrote.
“Kim Kardashian wearing the…dress has been hotly contested, but the fact remains that she did not, in any way, damage the garment in the short amount of time it was worn at the Met Gala,” the statement continued.