Mapmygenome donates 1 lakh COVID testing tests to TS
The Hindu
Kits include new DNA/RNA shield, collection devices to make sample-handling safer
Mapmygenome India has handed over 1 lakh COVID test kits to the Telangana government on Wednesday, as part of their initiative with Zymo Research to donate one million such kits across the country. These kits include the new DNA/RNA shield - DirectDetect™ reagent and collection devices to make sample handling safer and also reduce the testing time.
The testing kit contains DNA/RNA Shield - DirectDetect reagent with swab collection devices. The reagent safeguards viral RNA from degradation for safe, ambient temperature collection and transportation of samples without the need for nucleic acid extraction. Removing the nucleic acid extraction step reduces the time to get PCR test results.
“DNA/RNA Shield - DirectDetect™ enables countries seeing an increase in COVID-19 cases to perform testing without extraction, therefore removing the barrier of limited extraction resources. It’s our way of providing humanitarian support to people in need,” said Zymo Research VP Dr. Marc Van Eden.