Manitoba boy awarded for saving 10-year-old brother from drowning
Global News
A Manitoba boy who saved his younger brother from being swept away by the Ruby River near Kenville in 2021 has been honoured by the Lifesaving Society.
A Manitoba boy who saved his younger brother from being swept away by the Ruby River near Kenville in 2021 has been honoured by the Lifesaving Society.
Deegan Campbell received the Rescue Commendation Award on Thursday for his heroics in saving his 10-year-old brother, Atticus, from being pulled under a strong current in June 2021.
“The award recognizes individuals who acted with resourcefulness and courage to aid an individual in distress in a water-related rescue,” the Lifesaving Society, said in a release.
Deegan said he was swimming in the river with Atticus and the currents were higher than normal.
“While we were swimming, my brother got swept away, down the river a little bit. And I didn’t really notice at all until I heard him yelling out.
Deegan’s brother was holding on to a part of a partially made beaver dam which slowed him down a little bit.
“That allowed me to get to him,” he recalled. “I was trying to get to shore, but because of currents and stuff, it swept us down the river a little bit more.”
Deegan ended up going fully underwater and Atticus began to push him underneath.