Man, Woman Get Married In Karnataka. 30 Years After Their Death.
'Pretha Kalyanam' is a tradition, still followed in some parts of Karnataka and Kerala, where marriage ritual is conducted for those who died during birth. The communities here believe this as a way of honouring their spirits.
Shobha and Chandappa got married in a traditional wedding ceremony in Karnataka's Dakshina Kannada district on Thursday. 30 years after their death. Clearly not an ordinary wedding, it was a 'Pretha Kalyanam' or the 'marriage of the dead'. I reached a bit late and missed the procession. Marriage function already started. First groom brings the 'Dhare Saree' which should be worn by the bride. They also give enough time for the bride to get dressed! pic.twitter.com/KqHuKhmqnj And finally bride and groom take their place. Though they are dead, dont think that atmosphere will be like the funeral!! Its not. Its as jovial as any other marriage. Everyone cracking jokes and keep the mood high. Its a celebration of marriage. pic.twitter.com/MoUYIv2gnl Kids and unmarried people are not allowed to witness the marriage. pic.twitter.com/tiKb48qBnf Finally yummy food. Fish fry, Chicken Sukka, Kadle Balyar, Mutton gravy with idly ????And the couple 'lives' happily ever after! Probably in the afterlife! pic.twitter.com/rDUfW8foer
'Pretha Kalyanam' is a tradition, still followed in some parts of Karnataka and Kerala, where marriage ritual is conducted for those who died during birth. The communities here believe this as a way of honouring their spirits.
YouTuber Anny Arun shared every detail of this peculiar union on Twitter.
"I'm attending a marriage today. You might ask why it deserve a tweet. Well groom is dead actually. And bride is dead too. Like about 30 years ago. And their marriage is today," he tweeted.