Man sings Tera Mujhse Hain Pehle Ka Nata Koi for dying mother on video call. Twitter is in tears
India Today
A doctor shared the story of a dying patient's son, who wished to speak to his mother one last time and sang the 1973 song Tera Mujhse Hain Pehle Ka Nata Koi for her.
In the wake of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, the internet is absolutely heartbroken after reading about a man’s last conversation with his dying mother that went viral on social media on Thursday. Dipshikha Ghosh, a doctor, shared the story of a dying patient's son, who wished to speak to his mother one last time and sang the 1973 song Tera Mujhse Hain Pehle Ka Nata Koi for her. Today, towards the end of my shift, I video called the relatives of a patient who is not going to make it. We usually do that in my hospital if it’s something they want. This patient’s son asked for a few minutes of my time. He then sang a song for his dying mother. He sang Tera Mujhse Hai Pehle Ka Nata Koi. I just stood there holding the phone, looking at him looking at his mother and singing. The nurses came over and stood in silence. He broke down in the middle but finished the verse. He asked her vitals, thanked me and hung up. Me and the nurses stood there. We shakes our heads, our eyes moist. The nurses went back one by one to their allocated patients and attended to them or the alarms of vents/dialysis units. This song is changed for us, for me at least. This song will always be theirs. Read this piece twice . Sums up the pain and choked emotions. Good job doctor. The mother may have heard and understood, familiar music in a familiar voice can reach us even at the end. Bless you for giving the son and the mother a few moments to show their love, and for the son to find closure. You did the best possible, given the awful circumstances. I had a lump in my throat while reading the narrative. I can understand how hard this moment must have been for you to stand strong with integrity yet not breaking at this helplessness of humankind. I pray this this does not happen to anyone else.Lots of love and strength to you Speechless! Praying that her family gets all the strength in the world the stories being the statistics are the reality of this situation, it might just show as a number in the list, but for someone that number is their entire universe I can't expess how important it is to have a closure... thanks so much for your dedication & the empathy towards the family & the departed soul.Be blessed all of you... Doctors, nurses & other staff members. We are eternally greatful to youall. Can't express my gratitude enough to healthcare workers and doctors. Incidents like this are emotionally very charged. Never ever anyone should face such moments. You did your bit. Prayers for the departed soul. More strength to you and the son. Thank You for making it happen. He will remember that, he could say goodbye! Reminds me of last moments of my mom 27 years ago. My sister made her recite shahadah & my sister recited her favorite verses from Quran.I can understand, how it feels. No words to express gratitude to you and your colleagues who have been fighting tirelessly throughout the world!!Its really emotionally very very draining on each one of you. God bless you. Just praying for the lady to make it Everyone doesn't get this chance of giving a last message to loved one's. He shall be indebted to you for lifetime. I read this thread thrice. This left me in tears. God bless u for making this happen.. Just reading it makes it feel so heavy. And imagining the actual scene gives goosebumps.More power to you for handling such cases. It's very easy to read or say but doing it in first place needs a brave heart.God bless. Stay Safe That feeling of looking at another human gasping for air... I wouldn't wish this ailment on my worst enemy Thank you for ur service doctorWhole world is indebted to warriors like you.They used to say docs are gods, in this pandemic you proved why they say so.Just can't stop my tears reading ur tweet, may her soul rest in peace.Take Care Could not control my tears at the end doctor ! I m already a broken man , can't tolerate any more tragedies !! My eyes teared up...and my heart ripped https://t.co/03tEJdSEKT one,no one should go through this...God bless you Dr. And I hope 1 day the perpetrators of this crime towards humanity r brought to justice by God. My son's friend father passed away he wept inconsolably. No words. May god give strength to the relatives of that Patient and also to Frontline workers like you, who are working tirelessly dealing with the dangerous virus, dealing with the Pain..........You are the True Warriors Very moving Doc. Your compassion and those of your nurses team stand out. May you all be blessed for what you do. The doctor asked our Mom, a few days before she passed, to try & talk as it would help her lungs. She started reciting a poem in Hindi through her bipap mask. The sound was too muzzled, but we will never forget the glint in her eyes. https://t.co/Bqhq4pBu5I — Doctor (@DipshikhaGhosh) May 12, 2021 — Doctor (@DipshikhaGhosh) May 12, 2021 — Arnab (@UnknownIndian12) May 12, 2021 — Sharmeen Mukhtar #SavePalestine (@sharmeenmukhtar) May 12, 2021 — Riya (@riyashah0014) May 12, 2021 — Nila Madhab PANDA (@nilamadhabpanda) May 13, 2021 — Dhandapani (@dmurugeshan2) May 12, 2021 — tushar patel (@Tushar_BK07) May 12, 2021 — Mythily (@myth_mythily) May 12, 2021 — Syed Rafi - ''. 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