Man arrested in Christmas tree fire at Fox News headquarters
A man was charged with arson and other crimes Wednesday for setting fire to a 15-metre Christmas tree in front of Fox News headquarters in midtown Manhattan, police said.
The tree outside of the News Corp. building that houses Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post caught fire shortly after midnight, police said.
Photos and videos from the scene show the fully decorated tree going up in flames.
Fox News host Shannon Bream announced the fire to viewers as firefighters were working to put it out.
"This is the Fox Square in New York, outside of Fox headquarters," Bream said. "It appears that our giant Christmas tree there, just a couple of minutes ago, was completely engulfed in flames."
When Terry Bush co-wrote and sang Maybe Tomorrow, the theme song for The Littlest Hobo, he thought it was just another gig—a catchy tune for a TV show about a wandering German Shepherd. Forty-five years later, that 'little tune' still tugs at heartstrings, pops up on playlists, and has even been known to be played at closing time in English pubs.