Malavoor vented dam off Airport Road is out of bounds for general public
The Hindu
The move was to ensure safety of general public and drinking water source, Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayat
The Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayat has made Malavoor Vented dam across Phalguni (Gurupura) River off Airport Road out of bounds for general public to ensure the safety of public as well as the source of drinking water to villages.
Till recently, one could see anglers catching fish with their angles in the backwater as well as the water in the downstream standing on the vented dam as well as embankments. The vented dam also connected residents of Padushedde and other surrounding places on the southern bank with Airport Road.
The ZP has now erected an enclosure at the entrance of the vented dam on the northern bank near the pump house with gates that are kept locked. On the southern bank, the stock yard of M/s Mugrodi Constructions acts as a barrier to enter the vented dam. When The Hindu visited the dam on November 27, there was not a single soul engaged in angling and other activities.
Chennai has two categories of Black kites: a larger group heading to the city from the western parts of India during the south west monsoon and heading back when the monsoon is past; and another group, smaller and resident, which would make minor movements in and around Chennai looking for an optimal atmosphere for nesting and raising the young. A couple of pylons in Perumbakkam suggest that Black kites have found an ideal nesting space there
This is part of the Karnataka Namakarana Suvarna Mahotsava celebrations organised to mark the naming of the State as ‘Karnataka’ during the tenure of the late D. Devaraj Urs. The statue, sculpted at an approximate cost of ₹21.24 crore, is 41-foot-tall including the pedestal and weighs around 31.5 tonnes.