Mailbox break-ins cause concern on Saskatoon’s west side
Global News
Now that Canada Post is back out for deliveries, so too are front porch thieves and mailbox robbers.
For 30 days, Canadians found themselves largely without mail delivery as Canada Post workers hit the picket line.
But now that Canada Post is back out for deliveries, so too are front porch thieves and mailbox robbers.
In Saskatoon, several mailboxes on the west side of the city have been the target of break-ins over the last few days.
“We can confirm there have been recent vandalism incidents at community mailbox sites in the Saskatoon west side area,” Canada Post said in a statement. “We are working to repair the affected parcel compartments as soon as possible in the next few days. In the meantime, affected customers’ mail is being securely held.”
When Saskatoon resident Mike Vermette heard about the thefts, he went to check his mail and found scratch marks on the box.
“I am kind of worried about it,” Vermette said. “I used to come once a week; now I come sooner than that even though I’m not expecting much in the mail.
“It’s always the not knowing what you missed on.”
Canada Post said it is best to collect your mail daily if possible.