Maggie Haberman Predicts How Trump Will Use New Orleans Attack For 'Day 1' Pledge
The New York Times reporter said she's "not surprised" with the direction the president-elect is taking.
Maggie Haberman on Thursday predicted Donald Trump will continue to manipulate the New Orleans truck attack into a narrative that supports his anti-immigration agenda in the coming weeks as he takes office.
“What’s behind it, Pam, is that Trump has a pretty firm anti-immigrant box in which he fits most things, and this is no exception,” the prominent New York Times reporter told CNN’s Pamela Brown on “The Source.”
“They’re tripling down. His communications director, Steven Cheung, sent me a statement ... loosely tying this incident to examples where immigrants have crossed the border who had ISIS ties.”
“They were relatively small in number compared to the number of border crossings there are daily,” she added.
“But you are going to, I suspect, see President-elect Trump continue to push this, because he has said ... that on day one, he is going to seal the border, and I think you are going to see him use this as a reason why.”