Lower Blueberry Creek blaze not growing, several more burning in Shuswap: BC Wildfire
Global News
BC Wildfire says the Lower Blueberry Creek fire showed no signs of growth overnight. Two initial attack crews, four smokejumpers and a heavy helicopter are working the blaze.
Wildfire crews are making good progress on a blaze that started Thursday in the North Shuswap hills.
That’s according to the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, which said the Lower Blueberry Creek fire, located above Dasnier’s Bay in the Seymour Arm area of Shuswap Lake, showed no overnight growth.
The CSRD says two initial attack crews from BC Wildfire, four smoke jumpers and a heavy helicopter are working the fire, which was estimated on Friday morning at 0.8 hectares.
“This fire is being given priority in the region because it is the closest wildfire to residences,” the regional district said.
The CSRD also said its emergency structure-protection program laid a grid of firehoses to protect properties along Blueberry Road and Thorpe Road in Dasnier’s Bay.
It also said a protection unit remained in the area overnight but will be demobilizing on Friday, based on BC Wildfire’s “assessment of a reduced fire risk in the area.”
The Blueberry Creek fire is one of a dozen burning in the Shuswap area, with several flaring up from Thursday’s lightning strikes. Most are small and none are threatening populated areas.
“It can take a few days before fires can flare up. More fires in the area may result in the coming days,” the CSRD said, adding that the heavy helicopter is also bucketing three other spot fires in the Seymour Arm area.