Looking for OLED TV: Sony XR-A80J for Rs 1,64,490 and LG C1 for Rs 1,38,510 are deals worth considering
India Today
Deals on a couple of OLED TVs are offering massive savings to buyers. Here is a look at these deals and how they benefit you.
We are at the peak of the festive period as the new year draws near and towards the end of the numerous sales that go live around this time, we have managed to find some really good deals that can save you a considerable amount if you are looking to buy an OLED TV. The couple of offers are up for Sony XR-A80J and LG C1.
The offers are up on the sale of both the OLED televisions through the Amazon India website. The ongoing sale on Amazon is offering a chance for those looking to buy these TVs, to save up to Rs 25,000, along with added benefits through other deals. Here is a look at all such deals which can be availed on the purchase of the two TVs right now.