Long COVID patients testify on Capitol Hill for more support
The patients all shared pleas for more research on treatments, more oversight of insurance companies and more education for doctors.
The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions heard from people facing the challenges of long COVID Thursday.
"Having to stop working because of my health was devastating. I wake up every morning feeling tired, nauseous and dizzy," said Rachel Beale, a long COVID patient.
"I was left to fend for myself from bed that first year, because I did not fit the profile of who was considered high risk," said Angela Meriquez Vásquez, a long COVID patient.
"Long COVID stripped away my daughter's life as she knew it," said Nicole Heim, a parent of a long COVID patient.
Traveling across the country for treatment, fighting insurance companies to pay for long COVID specialists and simply finding doctors who believe their chronic illness: These are the struggles that long COVID patients say they face. That's on top of their many symptoms.