Long COVID may qualify as disability under federal law: Biden
Zee News
Biden on Monday released guidance on federal protections and resources to those suffering from lingering COVID symptoms, such as fatigue or brain fog, which "can sometimes rise to the level of a disability", NBC news reported.
Washington: People suffering from serious long-term symptoms of coronavirus disease, also known as Long COVID, may qualify as ‘disablility’ under federal law, US President Joe Biden has said. Biden on Monday released guidance on federal protections and resources to those suffering from lingering COVID symptoms, such as fatigue or brain fog, which "can sometimes rise to the level of a disability", NBC news reported. "We're bringing agencies together to make sure Americans with long COVID who have a disability have access to the rights and resources that are due under the disability law, which includes accommodations and services in the workplace and school, and our health care system so they can live their lives in dignity," Biden said.More Related News