Londoners voting to shape their own neighbourhoods
It's a democratic process for people of all ages.
It's a democratic process for people of all ages.
"When you think about shaping your neighborhoods and making them better, obviously, that includes Londoners of all ages," says Josh Morgan, deputy mayor of London, Ont. and the creator of Neighbourhood Decision Making (NDM).
"Youth use our playgrounds, they use our parks, they use all of those facilities that are available to them and there's no reason why they couldn't submit ideas and cast a ballot to make the decision".
Morgan brought his two daughters and his son to cast ballots at Medway Arena and Community Centre (MACC) Saturday.
"I voted for two parks because they aren't fun," says five-year old Max Morgan.
"I voted to improve Blackacres Park by my house, because right now it only has one swing set and a basketball court," says 10-year-old McKenna Morgan.