Londoners mixed on first day face coverings aren’t required in Ontario
For the first time in nearly one-and-a-half years Ontarians were able to remove their face coverings in indoor public settings.
At White Oaks Mall in London, Ont. many took advantage of having the option.
“I just don’t believe in it. If you live a life of fear its not worth living and I believe it should be a choice,” says Shawn Sekhon who wasn’t wearing a mask.
When the mall opened Monday, the majority of shoppers were taking precautions. Some of that had to do with the older demographic.
“I’ve noticed 80-20, maybe 90-10 split wearing masks,” says shopper Brian Spenard who was masked. “I’ve been wearing it for two years and I have to wear it for work anyway.”Standing by the information booth for an hour or so, it was evident just how divisive the masking issue is. CTV News noticed many couples and groups of shoppers where one was wearing a mask, the other was not.
Ian Sawyer was without a mask, while Brittany Morgan had one on.
“Just feels good to be not wearing it, see peoples faces,” says Sawyer.