London, Ont. committee endorses hiring consultant to study how to handle vacant homes
Global News
City staff estimate hiring of a consultant will cost between $100,000 and $150,000, with the RFP process taking up to five months.
A London, Ont. city committee has endorsed a plan that would see a consultant hired to assess the feasibility of a vacant home strategy and tax.
The motion, endorsed by a vote of 4-2 at Monday’s meeting of the corporate services committee, directs city staff to begin a ‘request for proposal’ process for consultant services, and to have the findings of said consultant brought back before the committee at a later date.
Staff are also directed to continue monitoring the implementation of a vacant home tax in other Ontario municipalities. None currently have such a tax, however two, Ottawa and Toronto, are expected to implement one next year. Several others, like London, are examining its feasibility.
Vancouver is currently the only Canadian city to have a vacant home tax, and implemented it in 2017, according to a report from city staff which went before Monday’s meeting.
The hiring of a consultant isn’t a done deal. Full city council still has to vote on the motion, and will do so during a meeting on Feb. 15.
City staff estimate the hiring of a consultant will cost between $100,000 and $150,000, with the RFP process taking up to five months, based on timelines seen in other municipalities.
The move to hire a consultant came as a result of an amendment put forward during the meeting by Ward 5 Coun. Maureen Cassidy.
In their initial report, city staff recommended that council not move ahead with a vacant home tax, saying it would cost more annually to implement, than it would bring in to city coffers, “possibly creating an additional cost to the property taxpayer.”